
Customer Area

Information about decree 20/2013
Which wheels can be sold in Italy?

Since January 1st, 2015 and, for wheels under derogation, as from October 1st, 2015, only rims homologated according to the European UN/ECE 124 regulation (ECE homologation) or according to the Italian decree DM 20/2013 (NAD homologation) can be sold. Exception is made for replacement wheels supplied directly by the vehicle manufacturer.

Are financial penalties applicable in case of sales of non-homologated wheels?

Art. 77, para. 3-bis, of the Italian Traffic Laws is applicable. This sets an administrative penalty for who imports, produces or sells on the national territory without the required homologation. Additionally, the seizure and confiscation of the component are applied, even if the part is installed.

In this section of our website you can get additional information on the mentioned regulation.
Find the best wheel for your vehicle

Find the best Fondmetal wheel for your vehicle. Discover the compatibility, the measures and all the technical information useful to purchase your new set of wheels.

Important notice for dealer and user

Please carefully read the use and maintenance instructions manual supplied with the wheels. For any clarification, kindly ask your local dealer. The fitment and use recommended by the wheel manufacturer’s application system should be strictly observed. FONDMETAL S.p.A. disclaims any liability for improper use and fitment of its products, or for assembly or adjustments that are not prescribed here.